How to Control Gambling Addiction Contacting With the Players – Is It Possible for Microgaming?

Actually, supporting players who happen to be gambling addicts, should be one of the main priorities of any company providing staking services. Firstly, there should be some educational lessons in a form of short videos and texts explaining how to avoid being caught in the obsession.

There also should be a support assistance and addiction help with Microgaming which provides customers in need with the helpful information and guides the person if it is necessary. To contact it, online chat or valid email address should always be working.

The control of the people with such issue can be maintained indirectly by offering no deposit bonuses and free spins (play) or just free modes. These methods could reduce the amount of cases of excessive gambling for real money. Indeed, all this is already implemented by such soft provider as Microgaming, so it is quite possible to have some significant influence for preventing the growth of gambling addiction among customers of Internet staking houses.

Most of Gamblers Do Not Report about Their Problems

According to recent studies, many people who have the impulse gambling disorder do not report their problems to the professionals. Even if the therapist, psychologist or another specialist provides some kind of treatment, he may not be aware that the patient has this trouble regarding gaming.

Direct Contact with Problem Gamblers

This is mostly because still there are few specialized services for such people. So they’d like to keep it to themselves to not be considered mentally ill or something like that. But when more professionals are there who have the knowledge to recognize and identify such issues, more patients will get the right treatment.

Such services as hospitals, clinics and mental health facilities, probation centers, counseling institutions (child, relationships or financial advising) should be ready to give the qualified assistance for ones with the problem gambling.

However, the companies creating such amusements as web casinos should also be involved in solving this question at all stages by providing the safest environment for their clients and co-working with different organizations.

Whose Responsibility?

To gain the best result in creating the safest atmosphere where the help is always available, the responsibility should be shared equally by government and stakeholders. As the betting industry is usually well controlled in most countries by laws and regulations, monitoring authorities and government, the addiction issues will be resolved only with the efforts of both sides.

Companies as Microgaming or Independent Agency?

An independent agency can bring a lot of help in presenting the overall picture of this problematic topic, by providing reliable and relevant information of any staking organization. However, the most accurate data is gathered by a soft developer like Microgaming, as it has accesses to all statistics of its games and projects, as well as different market studies of auditory. That’s why software provider is more qualified in the matters concerning the studying and analyzing all aspects of betting amusements.

Gambling Addicted Players Monitoring System

Types of Monitoring

The monitoring activities can vary in types. The most common and simple one is constantly creating new surveys implemented in the betting entertainment to gather information about customers as the frequency of playing, the amount of money to be spent for the certain period on staking, game preferences, issues caused by making bets and etc. This can be easily provided as by stakeholder as by other organizations like counseling services.

There could be another kind of monitoring that will show more profound data on people with problem gambling. It is longitudinal research that lasts for years studying the long-term impacts of the venturing on the person.

All these methods combined will give the opportunity to understand this question better and therefore it will make possible to invent more efficient treatments.